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Digital Branding And Engagement: An Alternative To Advertising

Digital Branding And Engagement : An Alternative To Advertising

Branding and communication is undergoing a huge transformation in today’s marketing environment. Evolving technology has lead to changing communication. People themselves have shifted finding a better way of engaging themselves with each other and in the way they want to encounter the brand communication. This arises the need for  the brands to understand that they need to have a conversation with the customers.

Old School Ways

The age old ways of pushing brands to consumers have been outdated. People find the messages to be interrupting and don’t want to be bothered by them. They are 24x7 under digitalization. In such a scenario, it comes at the part of the brands to communicate things digitally and effectively. Brands need to come up with ways in order to draw the consumer’s attention and engage them digitally. 

Digital brand engagement has overtaken advertising as it offers several advantages over advertising. Advertising is just one way communication system where the  brands portray what they offer and what they are upto, customers just see and keep the information up to themselves. But, digital brand engagement is a two way communication system under which consumers are under in a conversation with the brand.

Evolution Of Digital Era

In the digital era, new tools have been developed for better promotion of brands. Digital brand engagement stands one among such promotional tools. The presence of brands on digital  media and participation on online platforms make people know about its existence and communicating with people. We at Nescode, leverage data insights to recommend and implement digital strategy.

Attention Seeking

Encountering and interacting with customers is a path towards a healthy conversation. It gives an opportunity to both the parties to keep forth their views and understand each other’s part.

Instead of bombarding  consumers with messages and get no response, it is better to  involve them in a healthy conversation and draw their attention. This opens the way to a bidirectional interaction giving the consumer a picture that he/she is being involved in creation or upliftment of what they are using and being offered by the brands.

Minimal Cost

Traditional advertising involves huge cost attached to it, but, digital branding engagement involves social platform which consists of no cost promotions or minimal costs apart from resource engagement.

We find brands these days promoting their products on a very large scale media. Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. have proven out to be a hub of promotion for the brands these days as not only it provides a platform to host the products but also to create a visibility all throughout the globe. Having known that people from various age groups and all throughout the world use social platforms for at least half an hour on average daily has evolved this practice. And every single user leaves a pattern of their social platform consumption, for an organization, it is very important to analyse that pattern and make an effective brand strategy.

Establishing Brand-consumer Relationship

Since mere advertising lacks interaction, it isn’t able to establish a healthy two-way relationship between the brand and the customer. On the other hand, digital platforms and their mode of communication lets a consumer portray his/her sentiments related to a brand. 

It is a human tendency to show interest towards a particular thing only when they feel involved/included. It should be a prime duty of the brands to give utmost attention to the consumer’s need and expectations  from the brand they opt for.

Feedback Helps In Better Engagement

Brand can get suggestions for improving itself via social media platforms. Consumers share their reasons of disbelief and dissatisfaction through social platforms and the brands can rectify those issues but, this is not the case with advertising.

Also, getting reviews from your customers is in trend these days. This is the best possible way to understand the demands and expectations of your consumers. People review your products from across the globe and the brand gets to know what they need to work upon at no cost.

Enhancing Brand Reputation

Mere release of an advertisement would not guarantee customers with the products but, building an experience with the brand and communicating does.

A person cannot build an impression about a particular product by mere visually seeing it promoted until and unless he/she has personally used it. Also, people build an opinion about a certain thing under the influence of people whom they know and who have used that brand. Hence, it is necessary to build an impression on your existing customers also whose influence in turn will make a new customer have trust in your brand.

Inspiration And Interruption

Advertising is seen mere as an interruption. Be it a TV commercial or an ad before any video on YouTube, people skip it immediately. This way it is neither beneficial for the brands to create a visibility nor  for the customers. People find it irritating watching an ad in between their work or while their intention is to watch something else. This process gets the advertisement totally ignored and reduces the chances of being visible.

Rather, engaging people in a communication and giving them your brand experience proves out to be an inspiration. People get involved on their own without thinking it to be a forced process and brands make the most out of it in the meantime.

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