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How To Earn A Seat At Other Company's Innovation Table

How To Earn A Seat At Other Company's Innovation Table

In the modern era, with the rise in flourishing organizations and increasing competitiveness, organizations are after seeking ways and means which may lead their business growth and an ultimate path towards success. It has been realized over the time that ‘innovation’ is an ultimate staircase to success. 

Innovation is nothing but the conversion of an idea to a working prototype. This prototype may be a product, a device, a service, etc. In other words, innovations involves ‘creativity’. At this global platform of business exchange, the demand of creativity is exceptional. Market needs people who can think out of the box and bring in the best in them towards company interest. It is to bring under the notice that innovation not only means birth of new ideas, but, innovation also  recreates an existing idea leveraging its full-fledged potential.

Human resource is the most powerful resources that may lead to the uprising of the organization. Organizations look after hiring the people with best potential and who can meet the organizational needs. The working force within an organization surely works on making up the best possible strategy but, it is of no doubt that they are aware to only a limited information generated and circulated within the company walls. This becomes a disadvantage when the company has to work on the forefront in the market competing with several other organizations. It is always a matter of concern that whose strategy may work up well and who can crack up the deal. In such scenarios it becomes a vital role to engage people from outside the company to take additional suggestions and make it work well considering the views from all directions getting a better idea from the corners of market.

It is to be mentioned here that thinking from just one perspective holds them behind. They should think from multiple perspectives for giving rise to various perspectives. This is exactly where consulting comes into picture.

Strategy With A Purpose To Grow

It is evident from the day to day life, any executable thing needs a proper planning and strategy. Same is applicable for the proper functioning of an organization as well. The amount of accuracy and precision a strategy brings in determines the functional growth of the organization. 

Any project, whether it is a kid’s annual school project or an MNC’s million dollar project, they need a blueprint and a roadmap to build the project upon. The whole objective there lies to chart out the proper planning and methods to be adopted in order to build the project.This prior laying down of  the guidelines helps to prepare them tackle with not only the functionality but also, to tackle any kind of mishaps or malfunctioning arising throughout the building process.

Strategy building is the need of the era. It can either lead you to the success or even hold you back. Hence, in order to ensure their sustainability, organizations should emphasize on building reliable and efficient strategy. Over the years, even the experience helps build up better strategy.

Insight With An Intent

It is observed that using the intent data  for targeting is valuable. Various intent insights have been under study over the years which prove intent insights are a valuable approach. Purchase intent insights being one of them which helps the sales team of an organization to explore the opportunities available in the market out there. 

Data, as is known, plays a vital role in generating an insight. An insight develops with experience which in turn is gained over time. Insight without intent is like a well without water and a pond without fishes. 

Cultivating an intent and then working on the data insights in order to optimize the operation process adds value and an aim to reach a certain benchmarked goal. Any work succeeds when there is a predefined goal attached to it and efforts are made in collision to achieve it. It boosts up the zeal and enthusiasm which is required to achieve that goal.

Once the intended insights are placed in accordance with the goal, the goal is achieved within a targeted time frame ultimately leading to success.

Type Of Strategy

Strategy planning requires a proper management as anything else does. A strategic management involves the formulation as well as the implementation of the goals and initiatives.

There are various kinds of strategies pertaining to every organization. These are :

Business Strategy : This is an organization’s roadmap or a working plan on which all the working force of an organisation works to meet the common goal. It leads to achieve the mission of the organization by keeping the vision inline. Business models are laid down  and worked upon to increase the flow of business inside the organization.

Technology Strategy : This part of strategic planning deals with framing the blueprint and building a strategy on technology aspect. It lays down the guidelines and principles on which the technologies would be used efficiently optimizing the productivity level.

Operational and Functional strategy : This strategy acts as a bridge between the Business strategy and Technology Strategy. It monitors and ensures how effectively your Technology strategy has been laid down in order to bring in business at your doorstep and serve it efficiently.

All the above strategies work together building up an ecosystem. They work in accordance with each other interdependently. The reliability of one type of strategy defines the success rate of the other strategy making it obvious that if one strategy is working healthy, the other will fall down at the right place. 

Industries We Are Helping Transform

We at Nescode, empower our fellow/client/partner companies with our technology solutions providing our products and solutions in all the sectors. We, being a software development company provide our best potential in the form of software platforms to make lives easier.

Our solutions serve a wide range of sectors including IT, Manufacturing, Services, Retail, Education, Banking, etc. We work on a work model including both Inhouse activities as well as outsourcing.

IT : We deal with this sector hugely. Being a software development company, it is our prime focus to understand the technology interventions required by our fellow organizations and deliver them with the same. We provide this sector with our inhouse products and services as well as even push the relevant products and services of our partnering company fulfilling their technology demands.

Manufacturing : Nescode supplies various manufacturing companies with its software solutions in order to showcase their products through its ecommerce platform or to manage their inhouse inventory and invoices. We implement our own ERP and serve our clients who consider it to be a reliable solution at many fronts.

Services : This is the second largest domain that we deal with and deliver our services to. We do even provide Consulting and Support services. Our services ensure rectifying ou customer’s concerns and provide them with the best possible solutions.

Retail : It has emerged as an ever growing sector. People buy and sell their products online. Multi-vendor platforms are in trend these days. We provide this sector with our self-build platform satisfying their requirement.

Education : Education sector has huge demands for our software and services. Right from the management of information to monitoring and processing it, we do it all. We, being a partner of Google and Microsoft, distribute their products and services making it available to various educational institutions making it highly beneficial for them.

Banking : The most vital sectors among the all having all crucial information. Nescode empowers the banking sector by offering its ERP implementation and various services at the outreach.

Consulting: Why It Matters & Where It Can Take You

Strategy Building for an organization is as important as oxygen is for our survival. Organizations used to employ people for the inhouse strategy building. This gave them limited scope of perspectives. This was the era when Consulting came into existence.

‘Consulting’ is often misinterpreted. It is much more than just giving an advice. As individual people look out for help, even organizations urged the need to take external help from an expert body who would help them in terms of advising and  deliver skillful tasks. This way organizations ensured an expert view from external perspectives which in turn led them to build complex and efficient strategies keeping under consideration several constraints. This also gave rise to a new job role called ‘Consultants’. 

Consultants are highly skillful people. They are required and expected to skillfully respond to client’s implicit needs. In order to meet their long term goals, organizations need to know the areas within they should focus on. They need honest opinions, advice and detailed information in order to take best possible decisions.

It is also highly beneficial for the organizations providing consulting services as it involves the company and customer interaction on a wide scale. Also it accelerates their business growth and generates huge amount of revenue.

We, at Nescode also provide Consulting services to various organizations in order to help them get quality production at their doorstep.


Strategy building and management is a crucial aspect in current scenario. Existing Organizations as well as the upcoming ones rely heavily on each other in terms of work, strategy and planning. If they get a 360 degree perspective from around the corner, organizations would be able to get a broader sense of strategy planning and establishment making them establish profound insights even for the employees going to join the organization. Consulting helps organizations tackle this giving skillful services. People can make a great career in Consulting. ‘Skills’ is what it requires. 

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